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Milford Working Group - Purpose and Role

The Milford, Georgetown and Millsboro-South Working Groups each have the same basic purpose:

  1. To provide advice to DelDOT regarding transportation improvements needed in the US 113 corridor in order to establish a limited access highway.
  2. To analyze and address the current needs and those that will arise over the next 20 years along the US 113 corridor.

The role of the Groups will be to assist DelDOT by providing input, making suggestions, reviewing alternatives, narrowing the range of alternatives and recommending the alternatives that will receive detailed study for their respective portion of US 113. The Groups will help in developing a consensus and gaining public comment and acceptance. It is anticipated that once decisions have been made, members of the Groups may participate in advocating for the proposed improvement projects. The Working Groups are one element of an extensive public and federal and state inter-agency involvement process.