The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is a 20-year document that fulfills federal requirements to identify broad goals, policies and priorities to guide the investment of public transportation funds for the development and implementation of the Delaware’s transportation system. The Plan is updated every 5 years but may be amended subject to changes in Federal, State or local funding sources.
Vision Statement of the Long Range Transportation Plan
DelDOT’s LRTP, Connecting Everyone Everywhere, illustrates how the Department’s strategic initiatives address critical transportation topics and trends within the context of the DelDOT Mission. The LRTP will include a published document and a dynamic website to enhance understanding of DelDOT’s role in providing solutions to Delaware’s transportation challenges.
Project Website
Go to the project website to read the plan, take the survey, and learn about upcoming events.
Contact Us
For questions or comments, email DOTPlan@delaware.gov.