Roadside Vegetation Establishment and Management Manual
- Complete Manual
- For users on slower connections, we offer four segmented downloads.
- 1 - The Covers
- 2 - Pages 2-71
- 3 - Pages 72-156
- Covers
- Acknowledgements
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- DelDOT Roadside Vegetation Policy
- Purpose of the Establishment and Management Manual
- Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Program
- Environmental Stewardship and Public Perception
- Audience
- Goals and Objectives
- Establishing Vegetation
- Establishing Vegetation Introduction
- Site Conditions
- Roadway limitations
- Soil and water conditions
- Soil compaction
- Soil pH
- Lack of topsoil
- Erosion control
- Contamination
- Drainage issues
- Site Preparation
- Conserving indigenous plant communities
- Plant community inventory
- Weed control in plant communities
- Selective removal of vegetation
- Removing undesirable vegetation
- Removal strategies
- Removal methods
- Soil preparation
- Grading
- Topsoil
- Soil amendment/nutrition
- Tillage
- Site preparation equipment
- Case study examples of site preparation
- Conserving indigenous plant communities
- Establishment Using Seed
- Seed characteristics
- Purity
- Inert matter
- Weed seeds
- Other crop seed
- Germination
- Pure live seed (PLS)
- Variety
- Cleaned seed
- Certified seed
- Provenance
- Seed dormancy
- DelDOT standard specifications
- Vegetation types established by seed
- Temporary cover
- Regularly mowed turf
- Low growing turf
- Grass meadows
- Mixed grass and forb meadows
- Methods of seeding
- Broadcast seeding
- Hydroseeding
- Drill seeding
- Topdressing
- Seed characteristics
- Establishment Using Vegetative Material
- Types of vegetative material
- Sod
- Plugs
- Bare-root plants
- Container-grown plants
- Balled and burlapped plants
- Methods of planting
- Sodding
- Plugging
- Bare-root planting
- Container-grown planting
- Balled and burlapped planting
- Tree spading
- Plant acquisition
- Inspection
- Contract growing
- Types of vegetative material
- Mulching
- Seeded sites
- Straw mulching
- Cereal grain straw
- Salt hay mulch
- Bonded fiber matrix
- Soil retention blanket mulches
- Landscape beds
- Seeded sites
- Irrigation
- Design and Stakeout of Landscape Planting Projects
- Replacement
- Managing Vegetation
- IRVM Objectives
- Roadside Features
- Guardrails
- Medians
- Roadsides
- Beds
- Stormwater best management practices
- Stormwater mitigation sites
- Design Approaches
- Regional
- Regional-ornamental
- Fully ornamental
- Vegetation Reduction Techniques
- Discontinued mowing or release
- Editing
- Cutting back
- Mowing
- Routine mowing
- Periodic mowing
- Equipment
- Pruning
- Reasons for pruning
- Pruning tools
- Pruning techniques
- Natural target pruning
- Pruning sequence
- Pruning timing
- Complete removal
- Cutback
- Trash Accumulation
- Weeds
- Weed classification
- Plant type
- Life cycle
- Weed classification
- Weed Control
- Control methods
- Cultural
- Biological
- Mechanical
- Chemical
- Herbicide safety
- Herbicide use
- Herbicide mode of action
- Contact herbicides
- Systemic herbicides
- Herbicide selectivity
- Nonselective herbicides
- Selective herbicides
- Plant factors
- Application factors
- Environmental factors
- Herbicide formulations
- Liquids or aqueous suspensions
- Emulsifiable concentrates
- Solutions
- Liquefied gases
- Wettable powders
- Water dispersible granules and dry flowables
- Soluble powders
- Granules
- Application equipment
- Conventional sprayers
- Backpack sprayers
- Rope-wick applicators
- Controlled droplet applications
- Granular spreaders
- Gravitational drop spreaders
- Mechanically fed drop spreaders
- Centrifugal or rotary spreaders
- Equipment calibration
- Cleaning and care of equipment
- Calculating application rates
- Additional application methods
- Stem cutting
- Basal bark treatment
- Bare ground vegetation control
- Spray drift control
- Specific recommendations
- Invasive woody plants
- Meadows
- Stormwater ponds
- Wetland mitigation sites
- Sensitive areas
- Product policies
- Control methods
- Fertilization
- Turf
- Trees and shrubs
- Lime
- Problems
- Insect and disease
- Cultural problems
- Compaction
- Excess mulch
- Trunk, bark, branch and root damage
- Supports, wire, twine and tree wrap
- Salt damage
- Soil grade changes
- Diagnosing problems
- Root flare
- Crown dieback
- Abnormal leaf size
- Trunk scars
- Yellow foliage
- Record Keeping
- DelDOT forms
- Inventories
- Guardrails
- Existing stormwater system
- Noxious and invasive weeds
- Training Program
- Glossary
- Literature Cited
- Appendix A - Herbicides How-to Information
- Appendix B - Pesticide Application Daily Report Form
- Appendix C - Selected Weed Species Control Recommendations
- Appendix D - SOPs from DelDOT - handling spills; calibration; spray mixes
- Appendix E - Structural Soil
- Appendix F - Modular Paving
- Appendix G - Herbicides Approved for Use on DelDOT Rights of Way
- Appendix H - References