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Delaware Department of Transportation

Professional Services

Registration Information

The following is required to complete your DelDOT Consultant Registration. Please return your complete registration package to

Note: This information is for New Consultants only. If you are a Previously Registered Consultant, please click here


Certificates of Authorization, if applicable

Provide us with updated copies of the certificates required for Area of Expertise (refer to services 1-11 on page one of the Consultant Registration form). Please make sure they will be current through the Fiscal Year.


Inter-company relationships

If your firm is a subsidiary to another firm or if your firm owns subsidiary firms please provide a description of the incorporation status of the firm(s) and a description of the relationship between your firm(s). We are primarily interested in situations where related companies could be involved on DelDOT projects.

Inter-company relationships are of a particular interest to us. We want to know what entity it is that we will be involved with should a procurement opportunity present itself. If a subsidiary company is operating under the umbrella of a parent company and yet still maintains a separate Federal I.D. number then that subsidiary should be registered with us separately. Please contact our office if you have any questions regarding this matter.


Current Standard Form 330

This form may be found in the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) forms library at


Certified Payroll

A Certified Payroll document must be submitted in .pdf format of employees that may perform work to be billed to the Department. The Certified payroll document is to include the following:

  • Name of the employee; job title; and their actual unloaded hourly pay rate;
  • Printed name, title, signature and date certified by an officer of the company having authority to enter into contracts for the company;
  • Officer’s signature notarized, with stamp or seal visible on the .pdf document.


Current Overhead/Indirect Cost Rate

If available, please provide a copy of the firm's most recently audited rate. The rate may be as audited by a Federal or State audit agency or it may be prepared by the firm's accountant. Overhead costs should be determined per 48 Code of Federal Regulations (FARs) subpart 31 - Contracts with Commercial Organizations. We consider direct labor as the base for determining an acceptable overhead/indirect cost rate

It is not permissible to indicate that overhead/indirect cost information is unavailable. There must be some information provided to support an additive that represents those costs applicable for doing business as a consultant.

The burden of conformance with all licensing, regulatory, and statutory requirements to perform work for the Delaware Department of Transportation is the responsibility of the firm applying for registration.


Postal Mail Address:
Delaware Department of Transportation
Contract Administration
Consultant Registration
P.O. Box 778
Dover, DE 19903

Express Mail Address:
Delaware Department of Transportation
Contract Administration
Consultant Registration
800 Bay Road
Dover, DE 19901

Contact Information:

Consultant Control Coordinator 

No company brochures or promotional materials are to be submitted with the registration material.


 ADA Information